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I’ve said it before but it bears repetition. At heart I’m a procrastinator. Up there with the best of them.


No, I’m not lazy. I’m told I’m to the contrary of that often reviled (but sometimes necessary) state.

But when it comes to making decisions, I’m a procrastinator.

I dither. Finally I decide. Invariably the decision is wrong.

So next time I dither even more. And I’m wrong again.

Sad, I know.

Shopping at my favorite T.J. Max is a perfect example. I’m looking for workout clothes and spot a cute dress.

I could use another dress. I have two dresses suitable for church that I wear alternate Sundays. In summer.

But that’s not why I’m there.

I’m there to buy workout clothes.

I decide.

I don’t buy the dress. And, of course, go back the next day to do so. And, of course, the dress is gone.

Have I learnt my lessons after multiple more of the same?


But there was that one time in my life when I was forced to make a decision.

The thought came in a dream.

Did I try to procrastinate?

I guess I did. But it really was a no-brainer. I could no longer ignore that insistent little voice. Read: MY JABBOK MOMENT

That one decision that felt right.

That was right.

For me.

“You have to walk in the light of the vision that has been given to you ….”

– Oswald Chambers

Cyber hugs all and blessings mixed in along with those good 2018 wishes.

Photo by Анастасия on Unsplash

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